Click HERE
for the latest info on Music and Poetry at
8th & P sts, LINCOLN!!!!
Pictures, Pictures: Go to this address for many, many Readings pictures --
check out more info at:
Prairie Moon Reading & Music News:
Matt Mason's Poetry Menu:
The Nebraska Poetry Menu at www.poetrymenu.com
Brett Spencer's Nebraska Center for Writers:
YouTube page at Creighton:
Nebraska Center for the Book:
Reynolds Series , UN - Kearney :
Featured readers
Grace Bauer and Laura Madeline Wiseman
Laura Madeline Wiseman has a doctorate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she teaches English. She is the author of several chapbooks, including the recent collections She Who Loves Her Father (Dancing Girl Press, 2012), Branding Girls (Finishing Line Press, 2011), Ghost Girl (Pudding House Publications, 2010), and My Imaginary (Dancing Girl Press, 2010). She is also the editor of the anthology Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence forthcoming from Blue Light Press in 2013.
Her poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and reviews have appeared in Margie, Poet Lore, Blackbird, Arts & Letters, Prairie Schooner, Feminist Studies, Thirteenth Moon, American Short Fiction, Cream City Review, and elsewhere.
She has received an Academy of American Poets Award, a Mari Sandoz/Prairie Schooner Award, a Will P. Jupiter Award, a Susan Atefact Peckham Fellowship, a Louise Van Sickle Fellowship, several Pushcart Prize nominations, and grants from the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, the Focus for the Arts, and the Center for the Great Plains Studies.
Tuesday, September 4th , 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Tony Church, Instrumental 12-string guitar
Wednesday, September 5th -- 6-8pm, Naked Words Open Mike
Hosted by Heidi Hermanson, email prairie.sky (at) gmail.com for more information.
Wednesday, September 5th , 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Jive Merchant
Thursday, September 6th -- 7:30pm, the Smash Teeth Poetry Slam at Meadowlark Coffee & Espresso (1624 South St, Lincoln) with Oracle Jones and Ryley G. ........ Poetry slam is back in Lincoln!
Thursday, September 6th , 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Songwriters Night Open Mike
Friday, September 7th - 6 til 8 pm -
at Deer Springs Winery,
NE of Lincoln at east Adams and NE 162nd
BABY NEEDS SHOES, an acapella trio,
and Nick Dahlquist!!
Friday, September 7th , 8 til 10 pm - Music at the Moon:
Dr. John Walker, music-maker extrordinairrie, at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P sts, Lincoln
FRIDAY, September 7th ========
What: "True Stories -- Live!" An evening with eight storytellers, including Kwakiutl Dreher, Jerry Johnston, Ron Hull, Heidi Ore, Chris May, Carmen Easley, Renee Sans Souci and AJ Milana-Gengler
When: 7:30 p.m. Sept. 7
Where: The Haymarket Theatre, Eighth and Q streets
Tickets: $10, at the door or in advance at www.truestorieslive.com
Saturday, 8 til 10pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Songwriter
Saturday, September 8th -- 7:30pm, the OM Center Poetry Slam and open mic (1216 Howard, Omaha). It's the longest-running slam in Omaha, often featuring some of the best performance poets in the nation. Open mic starts at 7:30 followed by the slam; sign up BEFORE 7:30 as signup is limited and will only be allowed after 7:30 if less than 8 are in the slam. Hosted by Matt Mason. $7 suggested donation. Call 345-5078 or go to OmahaSlam.com for more information. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Poetry at the Moon
Ardiss Cederholm, Cathy Maasdam, Eileen Durgin-Clinchard, and Marilyn Dorf
Marilyn Dorf grew up on the farm her great grandparents homesteaded in Boone County, Nebraska where, as only child, she spent much time reading and exploring nature. Her writing has appeared in various publications, including Kansas Quarterly, Willow Review, Mankato Poetry Review, Plainsongs, Northeast, South Dakota Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Potpourri, The Christian Science Monitor, Nebraska Life, Plains Song Review, Timber Creek Review, Echoes, Avocet, 10x3 plus, and Platte Valley Review, as well as the anthologies Times of Sorrow/Times of Grace, Crazy Woman Creek, Nebraska Presence, and the forthcoming Untidy Seasons. She has received several prizes for her short fiction in the Annual Bess Streeter Aldrich Short Story competition, and is the author of five chapbooks: A Tribute to Buttons — A Beautiful Friend, Windmills Walk the Night, Of Hoopoes and Hummingbirds, I Know That An Owl Owns This Sky, and This Red Hill (Juniper Press, 2003). She lives in Lincoln with her cat, dog, computer, and a houseful of books.
Ardiss Cederholm received her B.S. from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and taught in Lincoln Public Schools for 19 years. She belongs to the Write Stuff writing group and often reads her poetry at 1st Tuesdays at the South Mill and at the Crescent Moon Coffee. Her book of poetry is "Seasons of the Heartland". Ardiss has participated in the Iowa Summer Writer’s Workshop with Michael Carey and audited a poetry class at UNL with Ted Kooser, and has been published in Nebraska Life magazine, Plain Songs Review and Times of Sorrow Times of Grace. Ardiss is a newlywed, and has only been married 7 months. Her married name is Ardiss Pfeifer, but she uses Ardiss Cederholm as her writing name.
Tuesday, September 11th , 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Songwriter Nick Dahlquist
Tuesday, September 11th -- 7-9:30, open mic poetry at Indigo Bridge Books (7th and P Sts., Lincoln). Contact Aja for info:aja@indigobridgebooks.com.
Wednesday, September 12th , 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Jazzocracy
Saturday, Sept 15th, 7-10 p.m., at the Hot Shops in Omaha, 1301 Nicholas Street, OMAHA -- a Reading, a playing, a fun(d)raiser
Todd Robinson, Omaha writer, is host for the evening ---
We have committments to read so far from Brent Spencer, Twyla Hansen, Marge Saiser, Don Welch,and Matt Mason, to read, and Greg K, editor, has asked a couple other Backwaters Press authors but hasn't heard back yet.
Music is by old-school blues harmonica genius Dr. Spit and his backup band, The Blues Mechanics.
ALSO: the winner of the Backwaters Prize will be announced, winning $1000 and publication!!
(the cover fee includes snacks and drinks --- )
for more info on Backwaters Press, see:
http://www.thebackwaterspress.org/ ..........
Thursday, September 13th , 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Songwriter Nite - Open MIKE
Friday, September 14th, 8 til 10pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Songwriter Gerado Meza
Saturday, September 15th, 8 til 10pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Instrumentalist Tony Church
RENGA: a collaborative poetry-writing afternoon -- get together wth the Fairchilds, and write a group poem, as well as what you can do on your own (don't forget the ice cream store nearby!!)
The 2012 Autumn Renga will be Sunday, September 16, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (or whenever participants want to quit), at Maxwell Arboretum, which is next to C. Y. Thompson Library (east of the UNL Dairy Store and west of the Dental College and a big faculty parking lot on the east) on East Campus (in Lincoln).
Public parking is on the south side of the street (East Campus Loop) that passes in front of the entrance to the arboretum.
There are picnic tables, but no grilling. Feel free to brown bag or bring a snack/soft drink. . . or all of the above!
Mark & Sarah Fairchild
Monday, September 17th - 7pm Poetry at the Moon -- Rebecca Faber and Michael Catherwood read tonight
Becky Faber has been writing since the 20th Century. Her poems have appeared in Small Brushes (forthcoming), So to Speak, The Blue Collar Review, The Plains Songs Review, Plainsongs, the Nebraska English Counselor, and the anthologies Nebraska Voices and Lyrical Iowa. In 1987 she won first place in the Poetry division of the Nebraska Mothers Association Writing Contest, and in 2003 placed second in the same division. She placed second in the 2003 Nebraska Mothers Association Writing Contest in the Short Story category and went on to win second in national competition. She earned a PhD in English from UNL.
MICHAEL CATHERWOOD is a Nebraskan and a graduate of the MFA program at the University of Arkansas — Fayetteville, where he taught for four years. He's been published in the AGNI, Black Warrior Review, Borderlands, CQ, The Georgetown Review, Hawai'i Review, Kansas Quarterly, Mankato Poetry Review, Midwest Quarterly, Pittsburgh Quarterly, Kimera, Nebraska English Journal, Nebraska Review, Plainsongs (for which he serves as an essayist), and elsewhere. He is the author of the collection Dare (The Backwaters Press, 2006). He graduated from the University of Nebraska — Omaha with a BFA, working full-time as a truck driver for fourteen years, attending school at night until he received his degree. He has won an Intro Award in Poetry from AWP and the Holt Prize in Poetry. In 1994 he was one of fourteen national finalists for the Ruth Lily Collegiate Fellowship. He has also won the Lily Peter Fellowship from the University of Arkansas and was a finalist for the Pig Iron Press Poetry Book Award. He teaches English at Creighton University.
Tuesday, September 18th, 7 til 9pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee, SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln:
tonite: Songwriter Jim Wolf
Tuesday, September 18th -- 7-8pm, Poetry Downtown On The Bricks at Book Ends Used and Collectible Books (2218 Central Ave., Kearney). Tonight features 2 poets. Admission is free to the public, but come early - we can only seat about 30 folks comfortably. Call Book Ends at 308-293-0031 or email bookends@rcom-ne.com.
On Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m., Poet Art Homer will read from his book “Blind Uncle Night” in the MBSC Dodge Room. Art was born in the Missouri Ozarks in 1951. He spent his childhood there and in the Pacific Northwest of California and Oregon. He worked on forest trail crews, as an animal caretaker, and as a journeyman ironworker before finishing his education at Portland State University (BA, 1977) and the University of Montana Graduate Program in Creative Writing (MFA in 1979) where he studied with Richard Hugo, Madeline DeFrees, and Tess Gallagher. He worked for two years in the Montana Poets in the Schools. He has been editor of Portland Review, CutBank, and SmokeRoot Press, and has taught at several colleges and universities. At the University of Nebraska at Omaha Writer's Workshop since 1982, and its current chair, he teaches creative writing (poetry and nonfiction) and edits The Nebraska Review. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Thursday, September 20
at the Ross Film Theater, 13th & Q sts, LINCOLN
Join A Novel Idea and The Ross in celebrating the bookstore's 21st birthday. Starting at 5:30 p.m. there will be a free reception in the great hall with a cash bar and appetizers from Grateful Greens. A free screening of Fahrenheit 451 will follow at 7:00 p.m.
If you sign up for The Friends of The Ross leading up to this event (September 1-20, 2012) you will receive a free canvas tote bag compliments of A Novel Idea featuring their 21st birthday logo.
Fahrenheit 451
(1966, directed by François Truffaut)
In an oppressive future, a fireman whose duty is to destroy all books begins to question his task. Based on the novel by Ray Bradbury.
Sunday, September 23rd-“Poetry Sandwiches: Community at Work” presents noted Nebraska poets Marjorie Saiser and Greg Kosmicki on Sunday, September 23rd, at 1:00 p.m. at Holy Family church at 17th and Izard Streets. Marjorie and Greg have graciously consented to present their poetry in order to raise funds for the social ministries of the parish, including the lunch-making program,the food and clothing pantry, and the emergency assistance program. The lunch program alone served more than 173,000 sack lunches to the poor and homeless last year, and the Door Ministry helps with food pantries and shutoff notices, as well as operating a clothing pantry that operates a yearly sock and underwear-giving program for schoolchildren.MARJORIE SAISER is a poet living in Lincoln, Nebraska. She received an MA in creative writing at the University of Nebraska — Lincoln, winning the Vreelands Award and the Academy of American Poets competition. Her work has been published in literary journals including Prairie Schooner, Georgia Review, Zone 3, CrazyHorse, and Cream City Review. Her poems have been finalists for the Robert Penn Warren Prize, the New Letters Literary Awards, and nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She is a 2000 recipient of the Merit Award from the Nebraska Arts Council and in 1999 received the Literary Heritage Award from the Nebraska Literary Heritage Association. Saiser is a speaker for the Nebraska Humanities Council. Her first full-length collection, Bones of a Very Fine Hand, won the Nebraska Book Award for poetry in 2000. Her second book, Lost in Seward County, was published in 2001 by Backwaters Press, 3502 N 52nd St, Omaha, NE 68104, and is available there or from Lee Booksellers 888-665-0999. She is co-editor of Times of Sorrow, Times of Grace (Backwaters Press, 2002), an anthology of poetry and prose by women of the Great Plains, which was named Poetry Honor Book in 2003 by the Nebraska Center for the Book, and also co-editor of a book of interviews, Road Trip: Conversations with Writers (Backwaters Press, 2003). Her most recent collection is Beside You at the Stoplight (The Backwaters Press, 2010).
GREG KOSMICKI is a poet and social worker living in Omaha, Nebraska. He is also the Editor and Publisher of The Backwaters Press. He received his BA and MA in English from the University of Nebraska — Lincoln. His poetry has been published in Paris Review, New Letters, New Works Review, Kansas Quarterly, Cimmaron Review, Whole Notes, andPebble. His books include How Things Happen (bradypress, 1997), For My Son in a Motel Room (Sandhills Press), and Nobody Lives Here Who Saw This Sky (Missing Spoke Press), and We Have Always Been Coming to This Morning (Sandhills Press). His most recent book is New Route in the Dream (Pudding House Publications). He is a 2000 and 2006 recipient of the Nebraska Arts Council's Merit Award. Times of Sorrow, Times of Grace, a collection of poetry he co-edited, was named Poetry Honor Book by the Nebraska Center for the Book in 2003. The book also won for Cover Design/Illustration. Two of the poems from Some Hero of the Past have been read by Garrison Keillor on his radio program The Writer's Almanac.
Poetry at the Moon
Monday, September 24th - Poetry at the Moon
presents Joy Castro and Jennifer Gray
JOY CASTRO'S fiction and essays have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Mid-American Review, Quarterly West, and North American Review, among other journals and anthologies. She is the author of The Truth Book (Arcade, 2005), a memoir about growing up in a family of Jehovah's Witnesses, and Hell or High Water, a literary thriller (U of Missouri Press, 2012).
Her latest work is Island of Bones, a memoir of culture, life, family, and teaching, due out late August, 2012, from U of Neb. Press.... We will hear some of this!!
She has taught English at Wabash College in Indiana and now teaches at the University of Nebraska — Lincoln.
September 28-30 at the Land Institute, Salina , Kansas
the 34th Prairie Festival
Please mark your calendars for Sept. 28-30 and plan to join us for the 34th celebration of this amazing weekend!
We are thrilled to announce our speaker line-up: Mary Berry, Wendell Berry, Eric Gimon, Michelle Mack, David W. Orr, P. Sainath, and of course, Wes Jackson. Saturday evening's entertainment will be provided by the very talented singer/songwriter, Eliza Gilkyson. The featured gallery artist this year is Gesine Janzen, and we have a special art installation by sculptor Bill McBride as an accompaniment to our Friday night barn dance and bonfire.
Fees for this year are: Early Registration (received in our office by Sept. 10) for Friends of the Land: $16 for the weekend; others: $26. Registrations received after Sept. 10 for Friends of the Land: $20 for the weekend; others: $30. Students get in for $10 for the entire weekend. Optional Saturday night dinner: $14. As always, there is no charge for Friday evening's barn dance for those attending on Saturday or Sunday (free will donation otherwise), and Saturday evening's entertainment is also included with the weekend admission.
Monday, October 1st, 7pm - Poetry at the Moon presents the Lincoln reading of
100 Thousand Poets for Change
hosted by Grace Bauer & Rex Walton
Tuesday, October 2nd, 7pm - Tuesdays With Writers presents:
Shoshana Sumrall Frerking and Marilyn Dorf
Marilyn Dorf grew up on the farm her great grandparents homesteaded in Boone County, Nebraska where, as only child, she spent much time reading and exploring nature. Her writing has appeared in various publications, including Kansas Quarterly, Willow Review, Mankato Poetry Review, Plainsongs, Northeast, South Dakota Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Potpourri, The Christian Science Monitor, Nebraska Life, Plains Song Review, Timber Creek Review, Echoes, Avocet, 10x3 plus, and Platte Valley Review, as well as the anthologies Times of Sorrow/Times of Grace, Crazy Woman Creek, Nebraska Presence, and the forthcoming Untidy Seasons. She has received several prizes for her short fiction in the Annual Bess Streeter Aldrich Short Story competition, and is the author of five chapbooks: A Tribute to Buttons — A Beautiful Friend, Windmills Walk the Night, Of Hoopoes and Hummingbirds, I Know That An Owl Owns This Sky, and This Red Hill (Juniper Press, 2003). She lives in Lincoln with her cat, dog, computer, and a houseful of books.
Saturday, October 6, 2012, 7pm, at the Drift Station, 18th & N sts:
Poetry at the Moon
Monday, October 8th, 7pm - Poetry at the Moon
presents fiction/poetry writer Thomas Ukinski,
and poet Micah Robinson
Poetry at the Moon
Monday, October 15th, 7pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee
SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln
tonite, fiction writer David Philip Mullins
On Oct. 17 at 7:30 in the MBSC Dodge Room, Essayist and Novelist Jo Ann Beard will read from her new novel “In Zainesville.” Beard is the recipient of fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in addition to teaching nonfiction writing at Sarah Lawrence College in Rinebeck, N.Y.
Friday and Saturday, October 19th & 20th ,
Poetry at the Moon
Monday, October 22nd, 7pm
at Crescent Moon Coffee
SE corner, 8th & P, Lincoln
Poetry at the Moon presents the Clark Sistahs:
SHELLY CLARK GEISER received an MA in journalism at the University of Nebraska — Lincoln and her BA from University of Nebraska — Kearney. Her poems have appeared in Nebraska Territory, Nebraska English Journal, and Plains Song Review. Her work has been anthologized in Times of Sorrow/Times of Grace. Clark co-edited, with Marjorie Saiser, a book of interviews featuring Nebraska writers entitled Road Trip: Conversations With Writers (Backwaters Press, 2003). Her latest is the Cockroach Monologues: Vol. 1
Elizabeth Clark Wessel’s poems and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in DIAGRAM, A Public Space, Guernica, Sixth Finch, Lana Turner Journal, and The Laurel Review, among others. Her chapbook, Whither Weather, was chosen by Dana Levin for the Midwest Chapbook Series. She lives in Brooklyn and is an editor at Argos Books & Circumference, a journal of poetry in translation.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
On Oct. 24 at 7:30 in the Thompson Alumni Center, Essayist Dinty W. Moore will read from his recent works. Moore is a professor and director of the creative writing program at Ohio University in addition to being the author of several books.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Monday, November 5th, 7pm -- Poetry at the Moon Presents:
Barbara Schmitz
Poet BARBARA SCHMITZ retired from her teaching position in English at Northeast Community College in Norfolk, Nebraska, though she still teaches occasionally. She is a former editor of Elkhorn Review, and she has had poems published in such journals as Prairie Schooner, Laurel Review, Nebraska Review, Silverfish Review, Poetry Motel, Hurakan, River Styx, and Kansas Quarterly. Her chapbook,Making Tracks, was published by Suburban Wilderness Press in Duluth. She's also the author of The Lives of the Saints(Main-Travelled Roads #8, 1996), How to Get Out of the Body (Sandhills Press, 1999), The Upside Down Heart(Sandhills Press, 2003), and How Much Our Dancing Has Improved? (Backwaters Press, 2005). Her most recent collection is What Bob Says (Pudding House Publications, 2011). A resident of Norfolk, she gives psychic readings in the form of poems and is a winner of the Encouragement Award from the Nebraska Arts Council's Individual Artists Fellowships program (1997).
November 6th, 7pm
at the South Mill
48th & Prescott, Lincoln:
Prose reading, with Jen Davis-Korn, Karla Decker, and Deborah McGinn
On Nov. 7 at 7:30 in the MBSC Dodge Room, Poet Tim Seibles will ready from his new book “Fast Animal.” Seibles is the recipient of an Open Voice award and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and Princetown Fine Arts Work Center.
sets up new rules for submissions this summer!
the Schooner writes:
School's out for summer, but we want to keep reading! So we’re breaking our own rule — our general submission period closes May 1, but between May 2 and August 31, we’ll accept creative nonfiction essay submissions via our online submission system.
The fellowship will support his work on the poem cycle, “August: A Quintet,” which is based on the work of August Wilson, an American playwright and Pulitzer Prize winner whose work illustrated the African-American experience in the 20th century.